Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Work Day 8 - RG Project

I only had three hours to for work today so I had to make the most of it. I had a 2 o'clock doctors appointment. The good news it he only want to see me only a month. Ether I am doing very good or need to change my mouth wash. :-P

Anyway we got there at 9am and Jim went to put together the wheel barrow. We didn't want him to be breathing the dust. Nick and I, my youngest nephew, took off the rest of the plaster on the walls. There some that we couldn't safely get to, around the stairs to the basement, or really stuck on.

  West wall

North wall, or back & stage

East wall

We took off the last of the baseboard & woodwork around the windows. All of the plaster has been shoveled into the basement. Swept the floor and brought home some doors, scrap and heating pipes. I also pulled a few nails.

We got all that done with time to spare. It kind of makes up for yesterday. And it was nice to has two wheel barrows, made the job go faster.

Tomorrow we start on the ceiling. We are going into the attic with a pick and drop it, like an anchor. To try to break the plaster loose without knocking the lathe down at the same time. We think it will be easier to clean up that way. But not sure how well this will work. We also thought we could knock off the plaster that squeezed between the lathe. With it gone, there isn't much holding the plaster to the lathe.

Tomorrow being Wednesday I have to go to the museum, so I won't start on the project until about 2pm. Once the ceiling is completely down and cleaned up, we start on the roof. Wish us luck. :-)

BTW does anyone know how to make this column wider? Or put pic's side by side? I could do it MS FrontPage but don't know how I would upload it to this sight. I would really like to change the format of the other pages too. Any help would be appreciated.


  1. Sterling [I like both names but Sterling has a nice ring to it]The first thing I noticed in your pics was the wheelbarrows - thought you might have gotten a nice 2 for one offer when you went shopping the other day. It is starting to look quite good. Between Jim, Nick and you it seems to be moving along quite nicely.
    Again thanks for your response to my last comment - really enjoy the interaction.
    Had a nice giggle about your doctors visit - the mouth wash remark. Seem you have the meds situation well under control - anything that helps lift the quality of life can only be a good thing.
    With animals I was taught until you know every dog bites and every horse kicks so you learn to treat animals with respect.
    Stef is just short for Stefan [I have always been called Stef right through my life so it stuck]. I migrated to Australia with my family when I was 2 years old from Austria so the name is European.
    Regards Stef

  2. Sterling a quick ps sorry I can't help you with your blog lay out enquiry but a number of your other readers may know the answers.
