Cleaning / rearranging the garage has taken quite a bit out of me, I am make progress. I wanted it to be done before I took the pictures but it is going to take some more work. Although I did do some picking up today I didn't really work on it today. A good days work will take care of the rest.
Remember Remember
7 years ago
Sterling I see quite a bit of improvement - that broom certainly seems to get a bit of use.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to mention I really enjoy your slide show - some beautiful pics - the snow one facinates me - it's something I have to travel a long way to see.
Just like to wish you a happy Easter - enjoy the break, your work certainly won't run away.
Regards Stef
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying the work. And as you can see it was long overdue. The last 2 or 3 days I started to feel weaker. I have to talk with the doctor tomorrow. I am going to try to have him up the meds. I want them to up them as long as there is positive results. He is a little resistant. I just hope to be able to do some work with out the crash & burn after a few days. Besides I have lost 30lbs. since I started on the meds. Another 20lbs. I'll be down to my proper weight.
Got side tract. I an just starting to work on my photograph. I really like it when I get good results, but I have to take the time to practice.
I did have a good Easter, hope the same for you.