Sometimes something takes as long as it takes, cost as much as it costs. You can't do anything to change how long it takes or what something costs. You just have to take things as they come. Focus on the task at hand. Maybe I need to reword this... OK how about - Roll will the punches or go with the flow, and focus on the current problem that is in front of you. One thing at a time. That way I keep moving forward getting things done. I don't get as discouraged and I focus on what I am doing. If I'm at a meeting, I don't think about the work I'm not getting done. If I am working I don't think about an upcoming meeting or where I have to be later. But strange enough, I do think about the blogs I read and the people who write them. I think about all of you. OK so that is weird but it passes the time.
Time, I was getting to work about 6 plus hours at a time when I started this Round Grove Project. Now with the warmer weather and other things, that I don't want to go into at this time, you know keep it simple, I get about 2 to 3 hours of work before I am exhausted. It makes it a lot harder to get this building down. But I have mad some progress this last week.
BTW...How do you tell your doctor that the change in your meds has caused you to gain 20 lbs after losing 40, and make you want to sleep all of the time. It's like "Oh that's too bad, we should try something else." If I didn't wand to have a life so bad and be able to get some work done, I would tell him he is out of his frecken mind. If any of you know about a drug called Lamictal, I'd like to know more. Said the ginny pig.
Now only is the back wall down to the foundation, but the east and west walls are also. It took about 2 hours to do each one. You can see the ends of the floor joists, It is starting to look like a big deck.
Thursday, June 24th, took down North East corner.
Friday, June 25th, did the East wall.
Saturday, June 26th, did the West wall.
That would be 60 to 90 blocks per day. I know that doesn't sound like much but that is what I can do in about 2 hours each day. Tomorrow I should work on the front wall and clean up.
So you might wonder what does he do with the rest of the day. Well several hours were spent watching Fringe season 1, working on season 2 now. And then there is Dr. Who, I've missed a season of that. The Dr. Who series used to be better. And of course Merlin both seasons. Its ok but I like the old StarGate series better. Something to pass the time, so I don't get too bored. We've had a lot of rain and can't work outside in the yard or garden. I hope things will dry up a little now.
And I been catching up on my blog reading. JJ of course and T-mans, Gabe, Rowan, DJ among others.
Until next time...