Stef and Handy Dan asked want the final project was. Maybe I shouldn't use the word final. It has been a long drawn out process.
First there were trees in the way. So in 2007 I got rid of them. Save the Black Walnut and Ceder logs.

We had a big one left so we had to get some help on that on. 2008

I also need the hole dug for the greenhouse. But It was a bit small so we made it bigger. That was in May.

October I got the forms in for the foundation.

And I was luck and got it poured in November right before it snowed and froze for the winter.

In 2009 my camera died and I just got a new one a few months ago. But because the wild rabbits were so bad I was going to get a new fence in. There was 12+ trees, and some are a bit big. Not to mention getting the stumps out. I dug us some but ran out of steam. So now it is 2010 and the greenhouse has a foundation and there are 6 trees to get out plus stumps.
I will have to make a PDF of the AutoCad drawings of the greenhouse. I would like to get into aquaculture. but that is a whole other thing.
So I guess you could say that I want a greenhouse to use year round and start plants for the garden. But we have to keep the rabbits out, so there is the fence. and the trees are in the way of the fence. I salvaged about 400 cement block. Have to find pic's. But still need lumber for the framing. And I want some raised beds. Three 3'x25' beds but the piles of dirt are in the way and I have to get the greenhouse cement block base laid.
Does this sound like the movie "The Money Pit"?? This is starting to crack me up. It doesn't seem as funny until you write it all down.
I have a goal to be able to take care of the place after my parents pass away. Dad's 80 in December, and Mom is 76 in June. I'm on disability and don't have much cash flow. So becoming more self sufficient would help me make ends meet.
And JJ thought his posts were long. When this build came up I just had to have the blook for the raised beds. Then found out that I could have a lot more, 2"x10"x22', 2"x6"x22' and so much more. I will know better after the plaster and flooring is out.
So I hope that gives you a idea of what I am doing. My health was getting worse and I could hardly get anything done last year. And now I am stronger that I have been in over 10 years. So I have hopes that I will be able to get a lot of this done before snow falls.
I know you are laughing you asses off. I'm not crazy but I'm working on it. ;-)